Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Little Littles

That's what we call babies who have just become mobile and verbal. Not quite toddlers, not quite babies anymore. Little littles.

Today at the Y I happen to see a mother trying to walk her LL past the pool. LL pointed longingly at the pool and said, "ooooooooooool." Her mother explained that pool time was tomorrow and today they were going to tumbling. Wasn't that exciting? Pool tomorrow and tumbling today? To which our Little Little plopped down, flicked off one of her shoes clearly getting ready to put on her swim gear and said the most perfect, sweetest, softest, "No. oooooooooooool."

Little Littles are some of my very favorite people. They tell it like it is in such a lovely way.

1 comment:

Noni said...

I just came across this article that shares about President Monson and Temples and thought you might enjoy it. Hope you are recovering well and soon completely able to do the things you love.

Love and Blessings,


You can contact me at nonifdavies@gmail.com

A great week to you!