Thursday, June 21, 2012

Just in case someone should click through to this blog, I wanted to put this information here. If you are a GLBTQ youth who needs help, there is the Trevor Project hotline at 866-4-U-TREVOR (488-7386). For everyone to use there is the National Suicide Prevention Lifelife at 800-273-TALK (8255)/800-SUICIDE (784-2433). Hold on and get help. You are worth the fight!


Anonymous said...

I think I followed you over from CJane's blog once before, and I'm following you over here again today. I think there are a lot of people who are following her blog who understand in their hearts that love is love and that can't be all bad even though their church tells them otherwise. And then there are the others... Just wanted to say that you're right, no one should be able to "vote" on civil rights. You shouldn't be able to choose what rights to give to who. I live in Vancouver, Canada, and even though my LGBTQ friends still have their struggles, gay marriage has been the legal norm here for so long that it's just a normal part of life now. I'm excited that the SCOTUS has recognized that this is not a matter of opinion but a matter of rights. Keep up the good fight :)

- Rachel in Vancouver

Anonymous said...

I want to applaud you for your initial comment on cJane's blog. The fact that people took issue with what you said should not have resulted in your waving a white flag. I agree with your initial comments 100%.

I am a straight white woman who believes strongly that there should not be any discrimination against the gay/lesbian/bi/transgender community in any state.

I am not worried about the backlash against DOMA but I am very concerned about the potential fall out from what the Supreme Court did to the voting act.