Monday, November 22, 2010

Not from Here but this is Home

I left for Parents Weekend 27 days ago and today I am home! What was supposed to be a fun, four day quick trip to Boston turned into a medical crisis and then a three week recovery at my sister's home in western Massachusetts.

Words fail me when I try to describe how kind and helpful my sister, her husband, my niece, nephew and our parents were over those three weeks. They ferried me around to endless doctors appointments and PT sessions in a heated pool, fed me one delicious meal after another, kept my spirits up and basically made me feel like they had been hoping I would show up unannounced and helpless. As much as I wanted to return home, it was difficult to leave.

Now I am home and it is wonderful! Mr Fresh Hell, Texas has the house perfectly clean, there is not one thing for me to do. Now I have to hook-up with my local doctors and get back into the rhythm of home. Then I have to find a job! Many adventures ahead of me and I'm so glad to be having them at home.

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