Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Crawling of the Parent

Family and Friends Weekend was wonderful right up until I blew out my back. Rendered only able to crawl around our hotel room, the decision was made that my sainted sister would drive to Boston to get me while Mr FreshHellTexas flew home...someone has to pay for this party, yes?

That was a week ago yesterday. Like my distant ancestors before me, I have emerged from the warmth of the water (bathtub) to propelling myself around dry land (still not fully upright but certainly bi-pedial)

My sainted family as really stepped up to help. I'm staying with my sister and BIL plus my parents drive down each work day to ferry me around to doctors/pool. Highlights include the shot of morphine I was given revealing that I am allergic to morphine and being so high that I would forget to take my next dose and then fall apart because of the pain (this happened several times.)

Here's to walking upright and getting back to the Lone Star State!

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